MWC and the curiously missing 5G use case

Machine Learning and the Internet of Things will be transformational over the next five years from Security through to Retail and Industrial Internet.

That last part, Industrial Internet, does represent a huge opportunity for those that can deliver Security and Robustness. Whereas track & trace and metering could survive with a ‘good enough’ connection- Industrial Processes have stuck with tried and tested systems because the cost of failure is so high. A ‘get by’ service is not going to entice them into adopting TCP/IP and Mobile communications.

At Mobius we have been focussing on Security and Robustness for 15 years. No one has implemented the level of security that we can offer for private mobile networks. At the same time our uptime both at core and on-street have a seven year pedigree that few can match.

As for 5G? It will happen but it still looks like a solution looking for a problem at the moment. Creating the opportunity for Industrial Internet could well be part of it.

For more information about Mobius can help you build a secure and robust Industrial Internet solution now contact us on +44 1530 511 180 or contact  [email protected]

Written by

Douglas Gilmour

Douglas formed Mobius in 2003 after twenty years’ experience in the Semiconductor industry. He was driven by the idea that airtime could be better and more secure.