Mobius Data Reservoir
Tariffs have been the standard way to buy data for decades. But it makes buying exactly the data you want difficult. If you don’t use your data allowance each month you lose it. If you go over your data allowance at any time you will be charged overage. It’s very difficult to predict your mobile data budget using this type of tariff.
Mobius has pioneered bulk airtime buying via the use of data reservoirs meaning that you are no longer tied to a monthly model where you buy data that you don’t use. Furthermore, Mobius offers a no overage/no cut off model to its data reservoir customers.
Mobius Data Reservoirs mean that you can use your data over six months or even a year. This makes seasonal business easy to manage. Supporting difficult to predict business like Fixed Line store back up, or even pop-up stores, becomes less risky.
Mobius are also offering a tri network data reservoir (Three Wholesale, Vodafone IoT & EE) where all SIMs draw off the same reservoir. This gives the advantages of “roaming” with none of the pitfalls. No single network can offer this flexibility.
By utilising Mobius’ data reservoirs, you can buy at the lowest wholesale rates for all your applications. It avoids out of band usage (overage). It means that you can take advantage of the strengths of multiple networks but retain a unified pool of data. A low unit cost for additional projects.